Saturday, November 10, 2007


Fishcake this fugging thing. D: Blogger took a long time to load. WHAT DOES EVERYONE HAVE AGAINST ME? SOBS.

Yay for our outings! Always a time for more pics and stuff to blog about.(:

So, I'm here! To keep the blog alive, and blog. Blog. I like blogging.





...And yeah, because I am an anti-social person, who currently has nothing else to do. But mope.

And laugh at the pictures. And mope.

Eh. You censored off her face, because she wanted her privacy, and she's SHY! (Ya might wanna edit her Sim's personality then, Joyce. ;p Oh wait. She's dead. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)
Then, you went on to say her name! Tadaa.

"Anyway, since Joyce the MASTER OF THE WORLD is *complaining* I never post the video of the opening of the coke, I shall do it now. PREPARE YOURSELVES...!"






Gotcha. I've been lazy this holiday, and I haven't edited the video yet. Because the last part of it can NOT load. D: And nor have I posted the pics to make Joyce and Sien jealous, because I'm a nice person, and I don't wanna hurt them. -Smiles-

-Bursts out laughing-

Jokes aside, I'll bundle them out ta ya next post. Why not now? 'Cause. I needa pee, then have an obligation to feed the strays downstairs. Not that I'm as excited to do it now, since the idiot of Shira's scratched me. D: YOU SHALL BURN. MAWHAW. JOYCE, GET THE 'THING'.


BTW, I came up with giving this blog a mascot. ;D Yes, it's gonna hafta be a fish. No, Joyce, you can't burn or eat it. SUGGESTIONS?

Regards from the Dark side (HA! 7-11, YOU CAN'T GET ME! I'M NEVER GONNA JOIN YA LIGHT FORCES!)
Ryume =^..^=

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